Executive Council Minutes October 1st, 2020
The Meeting was called to order at 4:40 p.m. in the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall.
Roll Call
Brothers Charlie Deakin, Ryan Hausle, Ryan Crackle and Derek Reedy were absent.
New Business:
-Brother Matt Kelly reported the new clinic in Peoria is doing well and Activate is looking to expand into our jurisdiction. The timeline is not clear yet, but the conversation is taking place.
-Brothers Kelly and Kevin Sage will be attending a meeting to discuss creating a PLA with Champaign County.
-Brother Sage reports that work is currently good, but the forecast shows signs of it slowing.
-Brother Kelly made a motion to allow Brother Prentiss J. Hemphill to rent the hall on October 10th, second by Brother Nick Pitts. Motion Carried.
-Brother Sage made a motion to move forward with Arrow Strategy Group to provide media relations needs at a cap of $2,000 per month, second by Brother Kelly. After much discussion motion carried.
-Parkland College Foundation thanked us for supporting the mission of the college to “Engage the Community in Learning.”
-Clark-Lindsey thanked us for our gift of PPE to their very vulnerable population during this time when PPE is hard to obtain.
-Habitat for Humanity thanked us for our donation.
-UA Plumbers and Pipefitters #653 of Centralia thanked us for our donation to their 2020 Golf Scramble.
-The family of Bill Wood thanked us for the flowers.
-Miranda Barron thanked us for the flowers we sent to her grandfather’s funeral.
-The family of Paul Unzicker thanked us for the flowers.
Meeting Adjourned 5:50 p.m.
Submitted By: Travis Swope- Recording Secretary